We would like to announce our latest hire of Estella Prince as Legal director from Scotts Wright Solicitors.

With a wealth of experience in navigating complex agricultural property matters, she is set to elevate our services to once again. Clients can now expect even stronger advocacy and expert guidance, making us a formidable force in the arena of property law.

Before joining Hagen Wolf in 2023, Estella was a Director at Scotts Wright and has previously worked for well respected, regional Yorkshire firms.

Estella is able to advise on a wide range of issues, where there may be disputes involving property, in either a business or a personal context; her clients include national companies, partnerships, small business, estates, commercial and residential landlords, and individuals.

Estella has expertise in possession and trust work and is known for advising in complex, disputed matters that have become deadlocked.

Estella is an experienced mediator and has been highly recommended for her pragmatic and forward-looking approach to solving her client’s problems.

Managing partner Matt Pugh said; "I'm delighted that such a talented and experienced lawyer has decided to join the Hägen Wolf team and broaden our specialisms. It’s clear that our approach of investing in our people continues to attract great talent. The opportunities for lawyers joining this firm are unlimited."